




Ossus Library Index SITE UPDATES

December 31st, 2004
My last reviews of the year are for the movie A Christmas Carol, starring Patrick Stewart, and the Star Wars graphic novel Darklighter. I hope 2004 was a good year, and that our entry into 2005 will be even better. HAPPY NEW YEAR!

December 28th, 2004
Two short movie reviews have been added to the site this evening: the extended edition of The Return of the King, as well as the TV version of Mission to Mars.

December 20th, 2004
I have added my reviews for the Tolkien book The Lost Road, as well as a short third-time review for the movie Shakespeare in Love. MERRY CHRISTMAS, everybody!

December 7th, 2004
I have reviewed the science fiction novel The End of Eternity, as well as my second short review of the animated movie Aladdin.

November 28th, 2004
I have a couple of very short repeat-reviews today, for the Star Wars graphic novel Union (the second time), and the movie The Fellowship of the Ring (the seventh time).

November 21st, 2004
Today I have posted my review of the final New Jedi Order novel, The Unifying Force. In the spirit of clearing up space for book reviews, I have removed 50 movie pages that had one-line or one-paragraph reviews. I felt that these pages did not contribute to the website, and simply took up space. I should be able to fit 25-30 new book reviews into that space, as web space is a premium on these free hosting sites. Most of the movies were from the Fiction section. I have given up new movie reviews altogether, now. I just don't have the time anymore. I will continue to update the movie pages if I watch one that already has a review on this site, but the only new movie review expected to be posted is Revenge of the Sith, in May.

November 15th, 2004
I have posted my review for the second-to-last New Jedi Order novel, The Final Prophecy.

November 6th, 2004
I am finally up to date, with my review of the Star Wars graphic novel Rite of Passage.

October 29th, 2004
I have posted my review of Arthur C. Clarke's The Sands of Mars.

October 23rd, 2004
My review of the SF novel Bloom is now available. I've also tweaked the Star Wars timeline a little, dispersing the Early Republic comics and the Jedi Quest books over several years, hopefully more in line with their actual dates.

October 17th, 2004
I have added the review for The City and the Stars. I also created a guide page for Star Wars comics showing the relationships between the individual comics and the graphic novel collections. They started out easy enough, but have become quite complicated more recently.

October 11th, 2004
It's been a while since I actually watched this movie for the second time, but I have a few brief comments on The Perfect Storm. I also have reviewed the DVD version of Return of the Jedi.

October 5th, 2004
I have reviewed a fantasy book, The Arm of the Stone, as well as The Empire Strikes Back, on DVD.

September 29th, 2004
Two more reviews makes September the busiest month this year for this web-site! I have the Star Wars graphic novel Outlander, for the second time, and the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, finally on DVD.

September 23rd, 2004
I have four new reviews today: a movie: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, a mini-series: Dune, a Star Wars book: The Hunger, and book 1 in the Dragonriders of Pern: Dragonflight.

September 16th, 2004
Two book reviews were added today, both from the Star Wars Galaxy of Fear series: Doomsday Ship, and Clones.

September 11th, 2004
Two more reviews tonight: my second viewing of the movie 10 Things I Hate About You, and the Star Trek DS9 novel Lesser Evil.

September 6th, 2004
I have added two book reviews today: the Star Trek Gamma Quadrant book 3 Cathedral, and a semi-non-fiction book: A Tolkien Bestiary.

September 2nd, 2004
This has no bearing on the website, but I submitted the final copy of my PhD thesis this afternoon. I only have to get my diploma, and my title becomes Dr.! HA!

August 22nd, 2004
Two more reviews today: the Star Wars graphic novel Last Stand on Jabiim, and my second look at the movie Gladiator.

August 11th, 2004
I successfully defended my PhD thesis this morning. It's finally over!

August 8th, 2004
No original stuff for today's update: My full review of Asimov's Nemesis, for the second time, and my quick review of the movie Pearl Harbor, also for the second time.

July 25th, 2004
I have three reviews today, a record for this year so far! I have full reviews for the SF novel Deepsix, the Clone Wars Short Story Collection, and for the musical concert The Lord of the Rings Symphony.

July 17th, 2004
I have added another brief review to my second viewing of The Patriot.

July 8th, 2004
I have added a review of the fantasy novel Well of Darkness, and of the director's commentary for The Two Towers movie.

June 26th, 2004
So what's with the new sidebar to Tripod web sites? Can they find no other less intrusive ways for advertising? Anyway, speaking of the mundane, here is my review of the fantasy novel Wind in the Stone.

June 23rd, 2004
A review of the Sword of Truth novella Debt of Bones was posted this afternoon.

June 15th, 2004
I have two reviews today: the Star Wars: Force Heretic novel Reunion, and my first movie review since Return of the King: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

June 4th, 2004
I have posted my review of the Star Wars: Force Heretic novel, Refugee.

May 31st, 2004
This one has been a long time coming: the Star Wars graphic novel Victories and Sacrifices.

May 25th, 2004
My first big review since writing my 234 page thesis comes in the form of the New Jedi Order novel Force Heretic I: Remnant. I also posted some additional, short comments, for my most recent viewing of the movie Ever After.

May 20th, 2004
I have two movie re-reviews today, which are really just quick comments on my second time viewing Save the Last Dance, and Along Came a Spider. Some book reviews will follow shortly.

May 15th, 2004
I'll be back really soon with more reviews, but I've been rather busy for the last several months. I finally submitted my PhD thesis yesterday afternoon! Combined with a new baby in the house, things have been really hectic, to say the least. Today, I've added two guide pages (no reviews yet) for Star Wars books: Republic Commando: Hard Contact, and Medstar: Jedi Healer.

April 11th, 2004
I've reviewed the Discworld fantasy comedy novel Lords and Ladies.

March 30th, 2004
One book review this time around, the Star Wars Jedi Council graphic novel Leviathan, and one movie review, Tomb Raider. Both are reviewed for the second time, so the reviews are rather short.

March 23rd, 2004
I have a new book review: God Emperor of Dune, as well as some short new thoughts on American Pie 2.

March 14th, 2004
It's been a while, but I've finally seen Return of the King for a second time! Here are some new thoughts.

March 10th, 2004
I have added the guide pages to some future Star Wars books: Boba Fett's A New Threat, the Clone Wars novels The Cestus Deception and Jedi Trial, and three Republic graphic novels: Rite of Passage, Victories and Sacrifices, and Last Stand on Jabiim.

March 6th, 2004
I have given some brief thoughts to my second viewing of The Mummy Returns, as well as a new review of the Star Wars Clone Wars graphic novel The Defense of Kamino.

February 27th, 2004
I hope to write more reviews than two a month in the future, but for now, I've enjoyed another Star Trek film on DVD, The Undiscovered Country. I will eventually review Star Trek V, but have no intention of owning it, so it will be a while.

February 15th, 2004
It is definitely difficult to read a long novel, or watch a complete movie with a newborn infant in the house. We can sometimes manage up to an hour at a time. I am not currently reading any books, but I have managed to sneak in a few movies. The only one I have reviewed is Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home on DVD. As I've mentioned below, new movie reviews will be rare on this site from now on, with only my very favourites (or to complete a series) being added. Whenever I get around to my next book, it will also make it on the site. I'm not going offline yet, just slowing down!

January 30th, 2004
I've added some thoughts to my second reviews of the Star Wars graphic stories Prelude to Rebellion and Vow of Justice. I also added the guide page for the newly-announced Fool's Bargain e-book.

January 25th, 2004
Reviews for the last two regular Jedi Apprentice books are up: The Only Witness, and The Threat Within.

January 19th, 2004
Reviews may be more and more erratic, since the birth of my son (our first) on January 14th, 2004. Welcome to the world, Andre. Today, I have two more Jedi Apprentice reviews, The Death of Hope, and The Call to Vengeance.

January 12th, 2004
I couldn't resist any longer, and had to watch The Two Towers extended version again. My thoughts are accompanied by a discussion on the special features. My first book review of the year goes to the Jedi Apprentice novel The Ties that Bind.

January 4th, 2004
My first review of the new year isn't really a full-fledged review, just some thoughts as I watched Jurassic Park for the sixth time.




All reviews and page designs at this site Copyright © 1999 - 2025 by Warren Dunn, all rights reserved.

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