December 28th, 2001
As promised, I have added the reviews for A Christmas Carol, starring Alastair Sim, and of the fabulous Fellowship of the Ring. I also found some better images for the covers of some of the Stargate books, so I replaced the poor ones that I had there. Finally, I have placed an alphabetical list of all the movies and live shows that are available on this site, similar to the book summary that I recently made (which is chronological). December 22nd, 2001 This will likely be the last update before Christmas -so Merry Christmas! After Christmas, look for the review of The Fellowship of the Ring, the 1951 version of A Christmas Carol, and more! Currently, I have added the review for Rush Hour 2. I have also added the guide pages for the latest Star Wars title announced, Rebel Stand, and the book that I am currently reading, J.R.R. Tolkien's Unfinished Tales. On and off, I am reading The Making of Dune, the movie, so I have also added the guide page to that book. Finally, as of yesterday, the old site of has finally shut down. I am sad to see it go.December 14th, 2001 The search function has finally been fixed! Try it out! I have also added the reviews for the Asimov novel The Naked Sun, and the Fantasy movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Finally, I've added a few books that I discovered on an old list to the Archive page. December 7th, 2001 The reviews for Dune Messiah and the live concert for Leahy are up. I have also found new images for three Jedi Apprentice novels, The Call to Vengeance, The Only Witness, and The Threat Within, for which the guide page is also up. I know that the search engine no longer works. I am in the process of setting up with a new company... December 4th, 2001 I have added the reviews for the comedy Austin Powers 2, and the SF movie Planet of the Apes. Also available now is a copy of the Guestbook I had at I didn't want to lose that stuff. December 1, 2001 This is strange. I just finished site additions to my site at, and the site has disappeared! I can't figure this one out. So I have started up a new site, transferring all my stuff again, to Please come and join me... December 1st, 2001 Big news: According to, the network is shutting down as of December 20th, 2001. As a result, the Ossus Library has moved to! Come on over and check out the new location. My final update at that location places my review of the comedy movie The Wedding Singer and the guide page for my next book, Dune Messiah, on the site, as well as two summary pages, accessible from the main index. THERE WILL BE NO MORE SITE ADDITIONS TO THAT LOCATION. All future site updates will take place at the new location. Thanks for the couple of years of visiting, and please follow me as we travel across the galaxy to our new home! November 23rd, 2001 The review for the novel The Alien Years is up. November 20th, 2001 I have short reviews for Monsters, Inc., and for the original Mission Impossible movie. November 15th, 2001 The reviews for The Hidden Past and Outlander are up. And I am happy to announce that my new Star Wars Timeline is now completely operational! I think it looks better than it ever has. November 11th, 2001 The reviews for The Dark Rival, and the movie Apocalypse Now are up. I am currently reloading the Star Wars section in the new index format, so some of the pages may be unavailable for the next few days, as they get updated. Please bear with me... November 8th, 2001 I have added the review for the Star Wars Jedi Apprentice novel The Rising Force. I also added the reviews for two movies, the action Soldier and the romantic comedy Notting Hill. November 5th, 2001 My review for the New Jedi Order Dark Tide book 2, Ruin, is up. All of the sections of this web site except for the Star Wars section have been updated with the new indices. I am aware that some of the Star Wars links are no longer valid, and am working to fix this as I update that section. Stay tuned! November 1st, 2001 The reviews for the IMAX film Amazing Caves and my 4th time watching Evita are up. The Drama movie section has also been updated to the index format. October 28th, 2001 The review for the New Jedi Order Dark Tide book Onslaught is now available. I have also updated the movie sections of Animated, IMAX, Mini-Series, SF and Thriller to the new JavaScript index format. Where the movie images were of poor resolution, I tried to get better scans of them, including all the Star Wars movies and many animated ones. Let me know what you think! October 26th, 2001 I finally found a picture for the Jedi Apprentice book Call to Vengeance. I have also finished uploading the changes for all the Features and Book sections except for Star Wars (which, because of the volume, will take much longer). I'm sure some of the links will be broken between some of these pages, and as soon as I find them (or you let me know when you find one), I'll fix them. Meanwhile, most of the menubars on the index pages that have not been updated yet do not work, and will be fixed as I get to the rest of the sections. Thanks for visiting! October 23rd, 2001 I have added the reviews for the Star Wars graphic novel Redemption, and the SF movie Gattaca. Many more pages have also been added to the new format.
October 20th, 2001
I finally finished Temple of the Winds,
and the review is up. I have also added the guide page for the Star Wars
e-book Darth Maul Saboteur. Finally,
the new major redesign has been implemented in the Fantasy and SF sections, and
will be added to the rest of the sections in the near future. Hope you
enjoy it! October 15th, 2001
I have added the guide page for the New Jedi Order e-book Recovery.
I also updated the search engine as of today.
October 10th, 2001
The review for the live performance of The Lion King
has been posted. I also put up the guide page for the book I'm currently
reading, Terry Goodkind's Temple of the
Winds. Expect yet another redesign soon for the site, perhaps using
frames or JavaScript for the indices instead of full pages.
October 4th, 2001 I
have posted the reviews for the comedy Someone
Like You, and the drama Save the
Last Dance. I have also added the guide pages for the upcoming Star
Wars Jedi Apprentice books, The Call to
Vengeance and The Only Witness.
I don't have an image for the former, but since I had one for the latter, I
decided to put both up.
October 2nd, 2001
The reviews for Prelude to Rebellion
and the short story that accompanied it, Vow
of Justice, have been posted. I have also created guide pages for the
upcoming Star Wars stories The
Approaching Storm, and Jango Fett.
October 1st, 2001
I have merged the three non-fiction book pages into one, called Non-Fiction.
It is still possible that there are some errant links to those pages that were
removed. But the main index page and the banner
menus have
been appropriately changed. I think the main index is more visually attractive
now, though I don't know how much longer I will stick with the banner menus.
September 27th, 2001
I have finally placed up the very late reviews for the movies Final
Fantasy, Tomb Raider, and Rush
Hour. I have also finished the Star Wars book Rogue
Planet. Enjoy.
September 22nd, 2001
The review for Asimov's Fantastic Voyage is
September 19th, 2001
I have taken a week off -not on vacation, not really. I was so stunned and
numb from the horrific and devastating attack in New York last week that I
couldn't read or write reviews. Like (probably) everybody else, I was
stuck to the TV, unable to comprehend this tragedy. My heart goes out to
all the people who knew somebody involved, especially loved ones. My
reviews of the live performance of Stomp, and the
Star Wars books Vector Prime and Chewbacca
all reflect this mood. I have also added the review for Star
Trek: Insurrection, written more recently. Between the tragedy on Tuesday, and the
wonderfully beautiful wedding of a good friend (thanks Carol!), I am still a
little behind on reviews, but hopefully will catch up soon. Call
it a week of tribute, because that's what it was.
September 10th, 2001
The reviews for the movies Enemy at the
Gates and The Wedding Planner
have been added to the site.
September 7th, 2001
I have finished the reviews for the V TV series
premiere, and for the novel Dune.
September 5th, 2001
I have added the reviews for the movies Chocolat,
and Unbreakable. The Star Wars
page has been busy, as I have added the guide pages for three books: Jedi
Apprentice book 15, The Death of Hope,
and two New Jedi Order books that will be coming out in 2002, Dark
Journey and Rebel Dream. I also
changed the font on the Star Wars and the SF
pages, which I think
has condensed them nicely. I'm still working on ways to shrink the
timeline down even more.
August 29th, 2001
I am up to date now, having posted the reviews for the animated film Atlantis,
and the mini-series V: The Final Battle.
I also archived the first half of this year into the Site
Notes 2001 file, making this notes page much smaller to load.
August 27th, 2001 I
have finally added the reviews for the third Uplift Storm book, Heaven's
Reach, and the first Discworld novel to feature Granny Weatherwax, Equal
August 22nd, 2001
I've added the review for American Pie 2.
I have also removed the animated gif images from the front page of this
site. I think they were making the page unnecessarily slow. Let me
know if you want them back, though...
August 20th, 2001
Tonight I added the reviews for the the first V
miniseries, and for the animated film Mulan.
August 15th, 2001
I have added the review for the last Star Wars X-Wing novel, Starfighters
of Adumar, and the action movie Jurassic
Park III.
August 13th, 2001
I have added the reviews for The Empire Strikes Back
(my 41st viewing!) and the drama K2. I also
added the guide page for the SF book I am currently reading: Heaven's
August 10th, 2001
I have finished reading and reviewing Isard's
Revenge, and have put up the guide pages for the Star Wars comics Emissaries
to Malastare and Twilight.
August 8th, 2001
The review for America's
Sweethearts is up tonight. I also added the guide page for the Star
Wars novel Jedi Quest. Finally, I've
added a link
to another Star
Wars fan site which gives detailed biographies of the Jedi Knights we know
of. I think it is a good complement to this site. If only the author
could be convinced to give the source book or movie where the information comes
from for each Jedi...
August 6th, 2001
I have added the review for The Caves of Steel.
Also long overdue is the final review for Lando Calrissian and the Starcave
of Thonboka.
July 31st, 2001
The review for the SF novel Hung Out is up
July 30th, 2001
I have added the reviews for the movies The
Mummy Returns and A Knight's Tale.
I also added the guide page for the Jedi Apprentice novel Ties
that Bind. (I'm getting really far behind on the Star Wars
books. I can't get my hands on Isard's Revenge, one of the last two books
I have to read before starting in on the New Jedi Order and the Prequel
July 23rd, 2001 Tonight
I added the reviews for my second viewing of the IMAX film Dolphins,
and for the graphic novel version of The Hobbit.
I also added the guide page for the book I am currently reading, Hung
July 21st, 2001
I have finally added the reviews for The Mummy,
and for the great and very long book The
Mageborn Traitor, bringing me currently up to date.
July 19th, 2001
I am back from vacation! Tonight I added the reviews for the horrible O
Brother Where Art Thou movie and the wonderful live production of Annie.
The guide page for the Star Wars Graphic Novel Jedi Council: Acts
of War, is also up. I still have a couple of reviews backlogged,
July 8th, 2001 I have written a short review for the
Star Wars Annotated Screenplays. I also added the review for Lando
Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon, and expect the have the review of the
third book up soon as well.
July 3rd, 2001 I
finally added the (scathing?) review for my second reading of The
Courtship of Princess Leia. I have also put up the guide page for the
book I am currently reading, The Mageborn
Traitor. It is nearly 800 pages, so don't expect the review anytime
soon! But look back for movies all the time.
July 2nd, 2001
I have added the reviews for the animated movie Shrek
and the IMAX film Gold Fever. I
also added my review for Lando
Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu, since I will be removing the Lando
Calrissian Adventures from my bookshelves soon.
June 27th, 2001
The review for Billy Elliot is
up. I have also added the guide page for the Star Wars novel Star
By Star, and fixed several broken links.
June 24th, 2001 The reviews for the X-Wing novel Solo Command and the graphic novel of Luke and Mara's wedding, Union, are up. The guide pages for the Star Wars graphic novels Underworld and Redemption (which has finally been scheduled for release!) have also been added to the site.
June 21st, 2001 I have added the review for the drama
movie The Ice Storm. Some of the
other index pages have had the new interactive menus added as well. It
appears that they are only slow on Internet Explorer, and only sometimes.
When I placed the exact same menus on a different server, they didn't hesitate
at all, so it must be the server. We'll just have to be
June 19th, 2001 The reviews and extended summaries for
Han Solo's Revenge and Han Solo and
the Lost Legacy are now up. I have also reviewed the live
performance of Disney's Beauty and the
Beast. Wow!
June 15th, 2001 Tonight I added the reviews
for the movie Pearl Harbor, and for the SF book To Fear the Light. I have
stopped putting up the new menus on the guide pages until I figure out why they
are loading so slowly. Stay tuned!
June 13th, 2001 I've added the review for The
Lion King, my 5th viewing! I am also about to remove the Han Solo
Adventures from my bookshelf, so I flipped through it again and wrote an
extended summary and mini-review for the first book, Han
Solo at Stars' End. The two others will follow shortly. The Star
Wars page has also been updated with the latest information on the Jedi
Apprentice series, including Deceptions.
June 8th, 2001 I added the guide page for the
book I am currently reading, To Fear the Light. Also, starting tonight, I
will be putting up the new menus. This will probably take a little while
to do, but currently, I've put them on the Science Fiction
and Star Wars pages, this page, and the Notes archive.
June 4th, 2001 I have added the review for
the Star Wars graphic novel Shadows of
the Empire: Evolution, as well as the Disney animated movie Dinosaur.
May 30th, 2001 It feels like it's been a lot
longer since I've updated this site! Tonight, I have the book The
Martian Race and the thriller movie I
Still Know What You Did Last Summer for you. I also updated the final
review for the Deep Space Nine Companion.
May 25th, 2001 I have added the long-overdue
reviews for the SF novel The Bridge, and the IMAX
movie Dolphins.
May 16th, 2001 I added the review for Grey
Owl tonight, as well as the guide page for the Darth
Maul comics.
May 15th, 2001 I have added the review for my
second viewing of Charlie's Angels,
and the final Junior Jedi Knights novel, Kenobi's
May 13th, 2001 I have added the reviews for
the two Junior Jedi Knights books, Anakin's
Quest and Vader's Fortress.
I also added images for the Young Reader
page concerning the Galaxy of Fear novels.
May 11th, 2001 Tonight I added the reviews
for the Star Wars book Jedi Knight, and
the comedy Bridget Jones's Diary.
May 9th, 2001 I've added the reviews for my
5th viewing of Jurassic Park, and my
4th viewing of The Phantom Menace!
May 2nd, 2001 I added the reviews for three
Star Wars comic stories: Jedi Academy
Leviathan, The X-Wing Rogue Squadron
Prequel, and the first X-Wing Rogue Squadron comic: The
Rebel Opposition.
April 30th, 2001 I added the reviews for the
movie Wag the Dog, as well as the Fantasy
novel Blood of the Fold.
April 21st, 2001 I have heavily
modified the page with my Favourite Links, deleting some
that are no longer valid, and adding quite a few. I have also modified the main index page. I now give the first paragraph
for each review, which is always my first impression of the book or movie.
Also, I broke down the index images into separate pictures, which makes it a
little easier to load, and allows people to view the index without images
enabled on their browser. Finally, the guide page the Star Wars Outlander
is up, as well as the book I'm currently reading, Blood
of the Fold. Enjoy.
April 12th, 2001 The review for The
Horse Whisperer is now up.
April 10th, 2001 The review for the movie Along
Came a Spider is up.
April 8th, 2001 The review for the Star Wars
X-Wing novel Iron Fist is now up. I
have also updated the search engine for this site.
April 4th, 2001
The review for the X-Wing book Wraith
Squadron is up. A also finished updating the Star
Trek and Young Indiana Jones sections,
completing my updates to the new format style. I also fixed the rest of
the broken links (except for a couple on the Links
page); as a result, all of the links on the Old Notes
page have been removed (there were just too many broken ones). I'll take a
break on style updates for a little while, but I do have some more things in
mind for the main index pages. Coming soon...
March 31st, 2001 I finally finished the review
for the Star Wars graphic novel Mandatory
Retirement. I also fixed many of the broken links that have cropped up
since I began reformatting many of the sections, and I finished updating the Science
Fiction and Fantasy movie section to the latest format.
March 29th, 2001 The reviews for the
Comedies Miss Congeniality and What
Women Want, as well as the IMAX film Great
North, are up.
March 26th, 2001 The review for Dragonfly,
the book about Mir, is up. The Animated and Comedy movie sections have received the new border
format, too.
March 24th, 2001 I added the review for the
movie Return to Me.
March 20th, 2001 The reviews for the movies The
Kid and Gone in 60 Seconds are
up. I've finally updated the Action movie
section to the new border format, and made the Star Wars
Timeline easier to read (I hope) by compressing the font.
March 14th, 2001 The review for the comedy Meet
the Parents is up. The new format has been initiated for all of the
book sections, as well as the Live section.
March 7th, 2001 I have put up the guide page
for the Star Wars New Jedi Order book 2 of the Agents of Chaos (whew!): Rebirth.
March 4th, 2001 The reviews for books two and
three of the Junior Jedi Knights, Lyric's
World and Promises, are up.
February 28th, 2001 I added the reviews for two
Star Wars books: Dark Forces Rebel Agent,
and the Junior Jedi Knights' The Golden
Globe. I also saw two movies, and the reviews are up here, too: the
terrific Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,
and the pathetic Austin Powers (the
first one). I also added the guide pages for two new Star Jedi Apprentice
books, one of which will not be available until the fall.
February 25th, 2001 I have added some new
enhancements in the Star Wars and Fantasy book sections, but I am having trouble
seeing images at all on my site. Is this an isolated problem, or is
anybody else having this trouble, too? I have contacted support, but so
far no useful answers.
February 21st, 2001 Added the review for the movie Air Force One, and the Book
of Lost Tales, Part II.
February 18th, 2001 Added the review
for The Negotiator. I have also
finally added a ZERO rating to my scheme. I was
tired of lumping poor movies in with abysmal ones, so this was really
necessary. I will be updating the required pages as I update the sections
to the latest format.
February 12th, 2001 Added the review for the movie Eraser.
February 10th, 2001 Added reviews for The
Fugitive and Cast Away.
February 7th, 2001 I added my lengthy review for
J.R.R. Tolkien's Book of Lost Tales, Part I.
February 4th, 2001 I think I've fixed the
problems with the Star Wars titlebars. Only time will tell. I also
added the guide pages for the Jedi Apprentice books.
February 3rd, 2001 I finally added the review for
three movies: the thriller Hollow Man,
the IMAX Migrations, and the
drama Story of Us. I also updated
the titlebars in The Thriller, IMAX
and Mini Series sections. I realize there
are some problems with some of the Star Wars titlebars, and I'll try and correct
them today, also.
January 26th, 2001 I have changed the titlebar
format to all 118 pages in the Star Wars section (boy
what a lot of work that was!). I hope all the links are still good.
Do you like what I've done? Let me know!
January 25th, 2001 Added the review for Utopia,
by Roger MacBride Allen.
January 18th, 2001 HAPPY BIRTHDAY
JOANNE! Today I added my review for Vertical Limit. While in line, I
noticed a sign saying "no refunds for the movie 13 Days". I
asked the cashier, who told me that too many people were buying tickets,
watching the Lord of the Rings trailer, and then leaving, asking for refunds on
the way out!
January 15th, 2001 I added the guide page for the
latest release by Dark Horse Comics: Chewbacca.
January 11th, 2001 I added the reviews for the
movie 28 Days, and for the book The
Bacta War.
January 6th, 2001 I added the reviews for the
book The Krytos Trap, and for the movie Girl,
Interrupted. I also simplified the main gateway so that it doesn't
take so long to download. I want that to be a redirection page only, so
that people can go to the real index page faster.
January 1st, 2001 Happy New Year! I have
completely overhauled my main index page -hope you like
it. I am trying image maps for the first time. All notes and site
updates for 2000 have been moved to the archive (see below). I love my new
banner, which should appear on every page. The copyright year has also
been changed. I also added a section for Live Shows, since I have enjoyed
so many of them in the last few years. I put a review of the stage
production of The Secret Garden in
there. I will add the other two reviews sometime later. I also added
my review of the Dune mini-series. I
don't know how the News section will work out, but I hope to announce things
like book releases and upcoming movies there. Only time will tell...
In the months to come, I will be adding new navigation buttons to the tops of
all my pages. I have yet to find a satisfactory layout though.