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Directed by Matthew Vaughn
(2011, 20th Century Fox)

X-Men Reboot, Part 1

Starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Lawrence

A mutant genius decides to bring mutants together under a common cause, in a government agency designed to fight evil mutants.


-- 3rd viewing (Download)
May 20th, 2022


This has to be one of the best X-Men movies, even though it's a reboot. I liked the way the friendship is shown between Charles and Eric, even though their philosophies differ significantly. It seems strange that there was another powerful telepathic mutant, though, given how rare that mutation seems to be, and how Apocalypse said he'd never encountered one like Charles before.The juxtaposition of history on top of the mutant crisis was very well done.


-- 2nd viewing (DVD)
June 28th, 2017


Really enjoyable again. I liked the way the characters were developed, and the way they twisted the good and evil. These people were really shaped by their backgrounds.


-- 1st viewing (Blu-Ray)
December 31st, 2011


Very well done, and entertaining. This shows how and why Magneto and Dr. X were still friends, and how they split. Origins are about everything, and Magneto's were quite terrifying. I like Dr. X's confident manner when flirting, and the way he could get practically any woman he wanted. How he changed after the events in this movie! The effects were good, but most importantly, the characters and the story were very well done.


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