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Fantasy Movie Index


Directed by David Yates
(2011, Universal Studios)

Harry Potter, part 8

Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman and Ralph Fiennes

Valdemort seeks a showdown with Harry, as the boy wizard and his friends continue to destroy parts of his soul, and learn of various plots to ensure the evil wizard's destruction.


-- 5th viewing (DVD)
October 22nd, 2021


The battle takes up most of this movie, and it's a really well made battle. Still, it only hints at some of the things that the book describes. I always like Ginny, though she gets only a small part here, and Neville, who gets to be a hero. The twist of Snape and the fact that Harry was a hoarcrux makes the wait for the inevitable seem more intense.


-- 4th viewing (DVD)
June 15th, 2019


The second part of this story is well done, and very affecting, both emotionally and intellectually. I liked Neville's short story arc, especially with Luna. I also thought the whole battle of Hogwarts was really well done.


+ -- 3rd viewing (DVD)
April 5th, 2017


Definitely interesting, but I found a lot of it hard to really relate to, being so dark in color. The movie can be divided into two parts, the first being the search for the horcruxes, and the second being the battle for Hogwarts. There is less motivation for Valdemort to give Harry chances than in the book, but it gives the characters time to breathe. I found the end to be cool, but I still think the descriptions in the book of Valdemort's demise and Neville's killing of the snake (which has more power in that we know Neville could just as easily have been in Harry's position).


-- 2nd viewing (DVD)
December 28th, 2011


A lot of fun, and once again I think this is a great conclusion to the series. It kept my interest throughout, especially with the amount of action and suspense sequences we get. This si the true payoff for the last movie.


-- First viewing (Theatre)
July 30th, 2011


Definitely a worthy conclusion to the Harry Potter series. It had a lot of great elements to it, from typical fantasy points to things unique to the Harry Potter universe. I liked the way we went back to Hogwarts, which felt missing in the last couple of movies, and I really like the way Harry took back the school, with words and actions. Why did he and Ginny, though, just stand there when they found each other again -several times in the movie? There were a couple of "final confrontations" with Valdemort, including the one where Harry is killed because he contains part of the wizards's soul -which surprises Valdemort. It seems that Snape was given part of the story, while Draco and his family were given another part of it -that Harry must die but also live. And I like the way that it's Neville who destroys the last part of Valdemort's soul! I have to read the books, now! The ending, which takes place years later, is typical, unfortunately, in that Ron and Hermione, as well as Harry and Ginny, who are married, having kept their high school sweethearts after all these years. But I guess that happens when you endure so much trauma together.


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